Monday 7 July 2014

Longer and faster....July 7th

Back after a good Sunday in London watching Wimbledon. Managed to get teh 70k in last week including a very hilly Saturday morning run. Sunday I did nothing but walk around London and Wimbledon and eat nice food and drink pimms....I deal I know....
This morning I ran 15km with my wife MTBing beside me and my dog, Monty the very stupid but very nice Viszla, running along too. My wife announces that I run funny! awesome. The good news is that tomorrow night Im meeting Macca (2 time Ironman World Champ) and spending two days at a training camp with him where we will have a run clinic! could be useful! I think Im running flat footed and it would be great to iron that kind of problem out asap.
Anyhoot, feeling good and my 15km run today was my fastest in probably nearly a year so I feel really pleased. Tomorrow I plan another 15k but slower and just putting in the Kms.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Going to plan....the enormity of what im trying to do has hit me! - July 3rd 2014

So last week I hit my 60km target and I actually didnt feel too bad. I also hit the gym and did some strength work at home. The running is going too bad, Im finding stuff hard that I didnt when I was fitter but its coming along.
Im away with work this week so have been putting in some Kms in Denmark. I started off on Monday with a 20km run on my own in the heat of the afternoon, it was tough going but I did it. Tuesday I did a 5km run in the morning with my back pack, I guess it must way 4 kgs or so and man did that feel different! I then did an hour of very tough spinning class a friend of mine runs over here. Wed I did a 15km run with another friend and it went well, I was tired by the end and it wasnt easy but again...I did it and thats what matters right now. In the evening I did 100 press up (random) and some core work (plank, pike hold etc).
This morning I again did the 5km run to work with the pack and then another tough 1 hour spin session. I just finished another upper body session and some body weight leg work (calf raises, squats).
Tomorrow I plan to put in another 15km run at a gentle pace which will take me nicely up to 60km running and then Saturday Ill do a hilly 10km so will have done 70 very good kms.
The next week Im going to bring down the distance back to around 55 - 60 km but there will be hills added.
Oh Im also going to watch some tennis at Wimbledon  and then next week Im also meeting up at a UK training with Ironman world champion (ex) Macca and the people from team Maccax which Im a member of...maybe ill get some tips :)